Monthly Archives: March 2021

The user cannot be deleted because the user has been logged on to the system. To deactivate a user, set the user’s state to Disabled.

When you try to delete a user from BC you could encounter the following error:

The user “ADMIN” cannot be deleted because the user has been logged on to the system. To deactivate a user, set the user’s state to Disabled.

This message is somewhat confusing because this user is currently not logged in. To resolve the issue go to the User Personalization List (9173, List) and delete the mentioned user. Now you should be able to delete the useraccount.

VS Code error: Can’t push refs to remote. Try running ‘Pull’ first to integrate your changes

This error message I encountered recently a few times when I performed a Git Sync from VS Code to check the AL code to SCM (Github):

One of the causes for this error message is when you try to upload files which are greater then the allowed limit (max filesize). Check the Git Log why the problem occurred. Cause could be a file that’s too large.

Another cause could be there are no files yet that were staged. To fix this add a file to your project, stage it and then sync it to your repository.