Monthly Archives: July 2021

VS Code error Make sure you configure your ‘’ and ‘’ in git

On customer premises I wanted to commit my code into our Azure repository. I got an error:

Make sure you configure your ‘’ and ‘ ‘in git

To fix this issue type the following command in the VS Code terminal:

git config –global “”
git config –global “Ibrahiem Rasoelbaks”

Fix the Git error (Make sure you configure…)

Use of implicit ‘with’ will be removed in the future. Qualify with ‘Rec.’. This warning will become an error in a future release

In this blog post I will discuss the warning that you can encounter in Visual Studio Code if you create, edit or convert pages. The warning you may get is:
“Use of implicit ‘with’ will be removed in the future. Qualify with ‘Rec.’. This warning will become an error in a future release.”

If the page has quite some fields it can be quite a tedious or lenghty task to fix all these warning. There is however tooling available to let this fix for you. Just install:

AZ AL Dev Tools/AL Code Outline from the great Andrzej Zwierzchowski the final step is to go to your command palette by pressing F1 and select ‘AZ AL Dev Tools: Remove ‘with’ usage from the Active Project