Category Archives: Business Central 2020 Wave 2

Use of implicit ‘with’ will be removed in the future. Qualify with ‘Rec.’. This warning will become an error in a future release

In this blog post I will discuss the warning that you can encounter in Visual Studio Code if you create, edit or convert pages. The warning you may get is:
“Use of implicit ‘with’ will be removed in the future. Qualify with ‘Rec.’. This warning will become an error in a future release.”

If the page has quite some fields it can be quite a tedious or lenghty task to fix all these warning. There is however tooling available to let this fix for you. Just install:

AZ AL Dev Tools/AL Code Outline from the great Andrzej Zwierzchowski the final step is to go to your command palette by pressing F1 and select ‘AZ AL Dev Tools: Remove ‘with’ usage from the Active Project

Business Central BC17 has been released

Microsoft Dynamics Business Central 2020 Wave 2 has been released with new features and capabilities.

If you are running BC on Saas then go to the D365 BC Admin Center and click on New to create a V17 sandbox.

Create a new environment in the Business Central Admin Center

The W1 version DVD can be downloaded from:

for On-Premises installation.

Localized versions can be found for the following countries on PartnerSource:

Do you want to know what’s new? You can find more information here: