Category Archives: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Cannot download files from Explorer

In my daily roleĀ as a consultant I need to download regularly files from our company FTP and because I work a lot on servers from our customers I find out that File downloads are blocked when I connect to our FTP with Windows Explorer.

file download blocked in windows explorer

Your current security settings do not allow you tu download files from this location.

This problem can be solved different ways. One way is to change the setting manually ‘File Download’ to Enable in IE:

change security settings in ie

This Powershell script will save you some mouse clicks and of course time, especially if you’re using a lot more PS scripting (like I do):

$HKCU = ‘HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3’
Set-ItemProperty -Path $HKLM -Name ‘1803’ -Value 0

After running the above code please log off and log on again in order for the setting to be effecive.
The scipt has been tested on Windows Server 2016.

How to setup a Dynamics NAV Cluster

How to setup a Dynamics NAV Cluster

Windows Server 2012 R2 includes a builtin Network Load Balancer feature. The load balancer inspects the destination address of an incoming packet and forward its to a clusternode.



Multihomed Network Routing

Open cmd

Get int index Route print

Route-p add ip mask 255. Metric 1 if 12

Install NLB


Create an NLB Cluster

Add second node

How to use telnet to check for open ports

Sometimes when installing a new NAV version for a customer I experience problems like a service tier which won’t start. Based on examination of the error in the Application Error log I will then use Telnet to check whether a port is opened or not.


  1. First install Telnet. By default this feature isn’t installed. You can accomplish this quick with Powershell:
    Install-WindowsFeature -Name Telnet-Client -Verbose
  2. Now you can open a telnet session. First start a Command Prompt. Now type:
     telnet ipadress port
  3. If you see this then the port is open from the current machine to the IP and port you specified:
    Telnet Port Opened
    If you see this then the port is closed:
    Telnet Port Closed
    In the example above I checked if port 1433 is open on the SQL Server. This way I can verify it isn’t a firewall issue.