Category Archives: Azure

IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, BaaS, DaaS, IDaaS

For on-premises environment we are responsible for all aspects of IT. For example:

  • Hardware
  • Building
  • Environment controls
  • Security
  • Skilled personnel

With Microsoft Azure you have options to buy these ‘aspects’ as a service. Let’s dive into the cloud possibilities:

Top down cloud deployment options:

IaaS: Infrastructure as a service. With IaaS you will be hosted by the CSP (Cloud Service Provider). This gives you the benefit the CSP is responsible for the infrastructure. You however are responsible for the OS, patching, backups etc. One example that most will understand is the usage of Azure Virtual Machines.

PaaS: Platform as a service. With this cloud deployment option you only use the services that were setup by the CSP. This means the CSP is responsible for infrastructure, OS, backups etc.

SaaS: Software as a service: it’s very likely you use this deployment option. Whether it was Gmail or Hotmail. Because this cloud deployment type offers to use the software as a service. You only use the services and only need to manage the accounts. All the rest is managed by the CSP.

BaaS: Backup as a service or sometimes also used for Blockchain as a service

DaaS: Database as a service

IaaS: Identity as a service

The differences can be displayed in a nice picture Ï found on the Microsoft website:

Cloud deployment options. Source